Elmer Miller

Wood Turning

After graduation from Murdock High School in 1954, Elmer attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Vocational Education. He taught Agricultural Education from 1959 to 1964 in Rising City and Fullerton, Nebraska. During the years 1964 to 1966 he was employed in the Manpower Development Training Act (MDTA) located in the Lincoln Public Schools. During this time he earned a Masters Degree in Educational Administration.

From 1966-1968 he had the opportunity to assist in the development and design of the first community college in Nebraska, Central Community College, located in Hastings. He joined the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1968 and held positions of Principal of the Independent Study High School, Head of Informal Education and Director of Program Development in the Extension Division for 20 years. Then as Associate Director of the Center for Leadership Development for 10 years. While employed with UNL, he earned a Ph.D. in Adult Education. he retired from the University of Nebraska in 1998 after 30 years of service.

After retiring I became more interested in turning wood on a lathe since my experience in a high school shop class. I have attended many classes conducted by regional and international wood turners to learn the skills necessary to design and create wood art such as bowls, clocks, vases, cowboy hats and more. After much study I created a company, As the Windmill Turns. Since 2006 I have been showing my work at juried Art Festivals and Galleries within a 500 mile radius of my studio/shop. I enjoy talking with people about the skill of woodturning and happy to share my experiences with you.